Kid's Club


Sunday - 10:30 AM Worship Service

kids are the best!

Jesus wants the children to come to Him! He loves them and desires to show them God's love and how to love others.

We have a Baby & Me room located off the platform area in the Sanctuary for parents to calm a child, or if they need a quiet spot to talk to their child. Please note that there is a changing room in the Ladies Room and diapers should be disposed of there in the trash can. 

Potty trained children ages 3 to 10ish are welcome to join our Kid's Club downstairs in their own Club Room following Worship with their family.

Our team of teachers are background cleared and have a wonderful program to encourage and teach kids about the word of God, the love of Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit. We use DVD's of quality ministry, CD music for praise, crafts/art and fun games. They are offered a treat and time to learn how to pray. Then they clean up before returning upstairs to their parents. 

Parents are welcome to check out the Kid's Club room & talk to any of our teachers.

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